Women's health

As a woman you face specific healthcare challenges that require expertise and attention over the long term to achieve the best possible physical and emotional outcomes. Women's health includes a wide range of specialties and focus areas that your GP will oversee, such as:

·       Birth control, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and gynaecology

·       Menstrual cycle abnormalities

·       Anaemia

·       Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and other female cancers

·       Menopause and hormone therapy

·       Osteoporosis

·       Pregnancy and childbirth

·       Sexual health

·       Women and heart disease

·       Benign conditions affecting the function of the female reproductive organs

·       Women’s mental health

Preventative care and screening

To reduce the risk of disease or diagnose illness early your GP can either conduct preventive investigations themselves or refer to the right specialists where appropriate. Some of the tests and interventions may include: 

·       Regular gynaecological check-ups, including a pelvic exam

·       Pap smear and HPV testing

·       Bone density testing

·       Breast cancer screening and breast exam (with self-examination instructions)

·       Discussions about colon cancer screening

·       Age-appropriate immunizations

·       Healthy lifestyle risk assessment

·       Hormonal testing for menopause

·       Immunizations

·       Screening for STIs

When specifically addressing breast cancer care your GP or the specialist you are referred to may provide investigations or treatments where necessary including:

·       Breast ultrasound

·       Mammography

·       Breast MRI scan

·       Breast biopsy

·       Genetic testing and counselling for women with a family or personal history of breast cancer

·       Hormonal therapy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy

·       Mastectomy and breast reconstruction

Breast care also involves the diagnosis and management of noncancerous conditions including: 

·       Benign breast lumps

·       Lymphedema, a condition in which excess fluid collects in tissue and causes swelling

·       Mastitis (usually associated with breastfeeding)

Sexual health

Women's sexual health services may include:

·       Birth control (contraceptives)

·       Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sexually-transmitted infections

·       Therapies to help with problems with sexual function

To learn more about Pregnancy and Family Planning “click here” (add hyperlink to the information page).

Gynaecology and reproductive problems 

Your GP can help you with many gynaecological problems including:

·       Abnormal Pap smears

·       Presence of high-risk HPV

·       Abnormal vaginal bleeding

·       Bacterial vaginosis

·       Endometriosis

·       Heavy menstrual cycles

·       Irregular menstrual cycles

·       Other vaginal infections

·       Ovarian cysts

·       Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

·       Pelvic pain

·       Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

·       Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

·       Uterine fibroids

·       Uterine and vaginal prolapse

·       Vaginal yeast infection

·       Various conditions affecting the vulva and vagina

Bladder care  

Bladder-related conditions that may affect women can include: 

·       Bladder emptying disorders

·       Urinary incontinence and overactive bladder

·       Interstitial cystitis

·       Prolapse of the bladder

·       If you have a bladder condition, your GP or specialist may recommend that you do Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles in your pelvic floor.

Beyond the vast lists of conditions that can effect women, most importantly the overall wellbeing of women amongst their various professional and family commitments is a high priority. At different stages of life physical and emotional illness can complicate the stress of life and your GP can help work through each issue with the compassion and care you need.